Meghan Trainor is a mom to two young boys, but she’s also a mom of four “dog babies,” as she calls them. They gave her the inspiration to write an original song about being a dog mom for the dog food brand FreshPet. The ad premiered April 11, which is National Pet Day.
As Meghan tells People, her dogs — Biggie, Roo, Lilo and Soca — are “my pack of girls,” and they get along great with her sons, Riley, 3, and Barry, 9 months. All four girls co-star with Meghan in the commercial for FreshPet, in which she sings about sharing “a special kind of love” with them.
She sings, “I’m a dog mom/ my babies get the best/ settle for nothing less/ my babies get the best/ and the best is FreshPet.”
And while being a boy mom and a dog mom are fine, Meghan longs to be a girl mom. She tells People, “I need my daughter. I need her because my mom and I are the closest human beings there could be. She’s my best friend. She’s my soulmate. And so I need my daughter, and I’m going to go get her.”
But any girl-getting plans will have to wait until Meghan releases her new album, Timeless — which she tells People is “literally all upbeat, positive, love-yourself bangers that have my old school flavor with modern pop” — and completes her first tour in seven years, starting in September. She says she can’t wait to see all her fans.
“We’re all grown up,” she notes. “Some of us have children, and I can’t wait to just reconnect and dance.”
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