TAS Rights Management Just call it “Swiftonomics.” While there have been numerous college courses based on Taylor Swift‘s songwriting or marketing prowess, a new one at American University in Washington, D.C., will focus on how much money she generates for local economies: an estimated $5 billion. The university held aRead More →

Live Nation Madonna‘s already been sued by fans over the fact that she started her Brooklyn, New York, show in December 2023 two hours late. Fans in Washington, D.C., have now filed a similar complaint. In the complaint, obtained by ABC News, three fans who attended Madonna’s show in December 2023Read More →

Disney/Randy Holmes Jennifer Hudson is sharing a reminder to “never give up on your dreams” on the 20th anniversary of her American Idol elimination. The 42-year-old singer, who has gone on to be one of the most celebrated voices of her generation, came in seventh on season 3 of the singingRead More →

Courtesy Amazon Music You don’t have to wonder what Taylor Swift‘s new songs are about anymore: She’s telling us, as part of a new feature on Amazon Music. Taylor’s recorded what’s being described as a “track-by-track experience,” in which she explains the meaning behind a handful of songs. Amazon MusicRead More →