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David Wolff-Patrick/Redferns Phil Collins fans holding out hope he has more music in him are going to be disappointed. In a new interview with Mojo, Collins reveals that he has no plans to make music again. “I keep thinking I should go downstairs to the studio and see what happens,”Read More →

Live Nation Las Vegas Backstreet Boys have something up their sleeves, fashionwise, when it comes to their new residency at Sphere Las Vegas. Speaking to Billboard, AJ McLean describes the upcoming shows as “one incredible experience,” and Nick Carter says fans can expect “sensory overload.” AJ also said there mightRead More →

Beth Garrabrant The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry represents the recording music industry worldwide and just handed its biggest annual title to Taylor Swift for the fifth time. Taylor has officially been named the IFPI’s Global Recording Artist of the Year 2024. Not only is it the fifth time she’sRead More →