Neil Young is set to kick off his Love Earth tour later this month, and he’s got a big treat in store for fans.
Rolling Stone reports that during a Zoom with subscribers to his Neil Young Archives site, the rocker revealed he’s planning to perform the classic “Cortez The Killer” with previously lost lyrics that he hasn’t performed in 50 years.
“Just a couple of days ago, I found the other verses,” he shared. “Just the lyrics…We may have those lost lyrics in the show, which will be fun for me.”
Those verses were lost during the recording process due to a power outage to the recording console. The band was unaware and kept performing, but that resulted in one verse being missed.
Young added, “Now that I’ve found the lyrics, I’m trying to find exactly where they come in the song. I need to look at the tape and see where the cut is, where we lost some. I’ll insert them there.”
Also on the Zoom, Young gave fans more info on the Crosby, Stills & Nash Fillmore East 1969 live album, which he previously announced on his site, as well as the planned Archives III and IV box sets, which will cover a period of 30 years each, with IV being the final installment.
Young’s Love Earth tour is set to kick off with a two-night stand in San Diego, California, on April 24 and 25. A complete list of dates can be found at neilyoungarchives.
Young and his band Crazy Horse are also set to release the new album, FU##IN’ UP, on clear vinyl for Record Store Day, April 20. The black vinyl, CD and digital edition will be released April 26.
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