Texas County Sheriff’s Department (NEW YORK) — In the wake of the disappearance and killing of two women from Kansas, newly released court documents detail, according to prosecutors, the motive and evidence behind the alleged murder-kidnapping. On Monday, the affidavit of probable cause for the arrest warrants of the fourRead More →

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images (WASHINGTON) — The White House on Monday carefully avoided weighing in on any possible Israeli response to Iran’s attack over the weekend but also stressed the U.S. didn’t want to see further escalation in the region. “This is an Israeli decision to make — whether and howRead More →

Don and Melinda Crawford/ Getty Images (BOISE, Id.) — A divided Supreme Court on Monday allowed Idaho to proceed with enforcement of a new law aimed at prohibiting gender-affirming care for minors. The decision overrides two lower federal courts that had upheld an injunction against the law as litigation overRead More →

Ronda Churchill/Bloomberg via Getty Images (LITTLE ROCK, Ar.) — The Arkansas State Conference of the NAACP and the Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights are calling on a federal court to enact an injunction against the state of Arkansas over its Literacy, Empowerment, Accountability, Readiness, Networking and School Safety Act, knownRead More →

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images (WASHINGTON) — Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Las Vegas on Monday afternoon to rally support for a ballot measure to enshrine abortion access in the Nevada Constitution as President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign continues to spotlight her as one of their leading voices on abortionRead More →

(ATLANTA, Ga.) — Rudy Giuliani has lost his bid to dismiss the $148 million defamation judgment against him from late last year. The judgment was won by former Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss. “Giuliani’s renewed motion urging this Court to reverse its prior findings and rulingsRead More →

ABC News (NEW YORK) — The attack lasted just 27 seconds, but writer Salman Rushdie said in that short amount of time he experienced the worst and best of humanity. In an interview Monday with ABC News’ “Good Morning America” co-host George Stephanopoulos, the 76-year-old author of “The Satanic Verses”Read More →